Suppliers and plumbing tips

It takes two to tango. And sometimes more. In any case, that's our mantra when it comes to delivering the best product to you. Here you can see - and find contact details - of our partners. And get good advice on connecting and draining water. 

Get help with water connection and drainage

It always requires an authorized plumber to connect cold/hot water. The same goes for securing drains. Contact our trusted plumbing partners for assistance so that you can safely and easily put your Nordic Seashell outdoor shower into use. 

Give Jimmy Strange Tønnesen a call if your outdoor shower needs to be installed in North Zealand or the surrounding area. Jimmy knows our solution inside out - and is our plumbing partner north of Copenhagen.  

M: 31 68 10 11

Give a call to Thomas Andersen and the team from Andersen VVS in Kastrup if your Nordic Seashell shower solution needs to be installed near Copenhagen.  

M: 20 43 90 97

Great plumbing tips for your outdoor shower

The Bolius Knowledge Center has compiled a lot of good advice on how to connect and drain water from your outdoor shower in collaboration with your plumber.

Winter: Shut off water

With an outdoor shower, it's important to remember to turn off the water in winter and empty pipes and hoses to avoid burst pipes. (You can do this yourself without plumbing help)

Have access to water

Remember to position your outdoor shower so that there is access to hot/cold water (Ask your plumber)

Getting drains under control

Check with your plumber that there is a possibility to divert the water.

Our suppliers

We work with selected Bornholm suppliers, all of whom contribute to our outdoor shower with sublime craftsmanship and quality.  

The wood expert from Bornholm

Hans-Henrik Kofoed has one great passion. Namely wood. Throughout the country, the Bornholm native, who owns Østerlars Sawmill, is known for delivering the best of the best when it comes to various wood products.

We benefit from this at Nordic Seashell, as Hans-Henrik produces the wooden slats that cover our conch-shaped outdoor shower. 

Østerlars Sawmill started as a sawmill where the wind was used to pull the saw track and grind grain. The Kofoed family bought Østerlars Sawmill in 1921, and it has since been in the family's ownership. Hans-Henrik Kofoed took over it in 1995 and changed the name to Østerlars Savværk and is thus the 3rd generation on the site.

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